Rehabilitation of torture and war trauma survivors

The adult psychiatric outpatient clinic assesses, treats and rehabilitates victims of torture and war and their family members. We also provide nationwide consultation to professionals and communities. We treat refugee adults and their family members who have been severely traumatised by torture and war.

Multidisciplinary support

Treatment begins with a period of assessment and examination. Rehabilitation includes psychotherapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and social counselling.

Patients entering rehabilitation must have a referral from a health professional and a commitment from the community where they live to pay for interpretation services. Rehabilitation is planned according to each patient’s needs. It may include psychotherapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy or social counselling.

The work is based on international agreements on the treatment of refugees and asylum seekers concluded by Finland and is non-religious and non-political.


The Torture and War Trauma Rehabilitation Team provides consultation, training and advice to professionals and working communities nationwide. We provide holistic and multi-professional knowledge to help and treat people who have suffered torture, war and refugee trauma. Training services are free to communities.

Before making a referral, please make an appointment for a telephone consultation with Tea Helle, Department Secretary, tel. 050 502 7581. Fax 09 7750 9215 (office)


Contact information
Centre for Torture Survivors and War Trauma Rehabilitation in Finland
Alppikatu 2, FI-00530 Helsinki, Finland
Tel. +358 50 502 7581

Mari Tikkanen, Service Area Director
Tel. +358 50 314 2013


Services of Centre for Psychotraumatology

Services for immigrants